Samsung Wave Android With Bada 2.0 ( Dual Boot )

Installing Android on Wave i.e dual booting Android 2.2 Froyo with bada 2.0(XPJK1,XXKK5,XXKK7)

THIS IS A NAND method (Internal memory method RISKY but easy i have already done this)

THE SD CARD Tutorial would be Given a day after this.

This method is for Samsung Wave S8500 only

Case 1: If you have installed a previous firmware from XPKJ1 then you have to flash the firmware XXKK7 on your Wave above before proceeding to flashing Fota file.

Case 2: If you have instead a FW (firmware) XXKK5, you simply change the bootloader with that of XXKK7 (a kind upgrade).

Now I am going to explain how to install Android on Samsung Wave:-

Flashing Bootfiles (Case 1 and 3)

Before Flashing take out the Sim Card and Memory Card and set default theme on your bada 2.0.Now, start MutiLoader_V5.65.exe in admin mode.

a) Make sure you have LSI6410 mode is selected and select “Change Boot” from the row below. Then click “Boot” and we’re going to find the folder “BOOTFILES” on the firmware XXKK7 give the OK and go to the Samsung Wave.

b) We connect the Samsung Wave to the PC and Multiloader recognizes the port (COM8 in my case). If we read in the box next to “Ready” can easily click on “Port Search”, if the writing [LISMORE] appeared next to “Ready” then we can hope good luck and click “Download”.

All this happens in up to 3 seconds, after which if there were no hitches, your Wave will reboot. If this happens it means that everything went well and we can proceed to the flash Fota file.

Flashing FOTA (Case 1 and 2)

Turn off then back on Wave and restart the MultiLoader.

a) Reconnect the Wave in Download mode and select as before LSI6410. his time, simply click on the little button “FOTA” and select the file. Download FOTA file

b) Again “Port Search” and to give LISMORE “Download”. Also this time in less than 3 seconds and it’s all over again should restart in your Wave in bada 2.0.
After this very simple and easy part starts
a) You need to connect your pone in Mass Storage Mode and simply need to copy two files provided in the MemIntWave folder i.e. galaxyboot and as it  is to the Samsung Wave internal memory’s Root Directory (the one with 390mb). Download MemIntWave from Here
b) After this you need to disconnect the phone and Turn it Off.
c) Then Press three Keys simultaneously Volume Up+Menu+Power(End Call Key). After pressing these buttons Something should pop up(as shown in the image below) to the screen do absolutely nothing while this screen is there just sit back and wait till the process is over.

After everything is done you can boot Android Simply by pressing Power Key + Call Key. 
Nor do I and neither this site take any responsibility if you end up screwing your phone.
About The Project
Badadroid is the project to port the Android Operating System to the Samsung Wave (S8500 and S8530) smartphones. This project was started due to the poor support, feature set and updates for Samsung’s Flagship “Bada” platform. As the phones, even by today’s standards have good hardware, the Badadroid project was started to get more from our hindered phones. Here you can find information on every aspect of the project.
Project Status: In progress – Pre Alpha
Android 2.2 Froyo has been successfully been ported to the Samsung Wave (S8500) with limited functionality. The project is still live, but progress has been slowed by the lack of driver developers. Below is a list of features of what is working and what is not.
- WiFi (+dhcp)
- Video
- Audio
- Apps/Games (Not every app working)
- Android Market
- SD (Limited success, some cards work, some don’t)
- Launchers
Not Working
- Modem (3G, Calling etc.)
- Idle (Phone will shutdown after a short time in lock mode. -See workarounds-)
- Sensors (Battery, Accelerometer etc.)
- Camera (You’ll get a lovely green screen in camera)

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