DENX ELDK, U-Boot and Linux blast off in U.S. Air Force Tactical Satellite

TacSat-2 satelliteThe US Air Force launched TacSat-2 (tactical satellite) which runs Free Software developed by DENX Software Engineering: the Embedded Linux Development Kit ELDK), the U-Boot boot loader and the DENX 2.4.25 Linux tree.

Illustration of TacSat-2 satellite

OS Installtion Image You can Download Here // Rocket , Satellite  

Linux Device Driver Development Kit (DDK) Free

It is a cd image that contains everything that a Linux device driver author would need in order to create Linux drivers, including a full copy of the O'Reilly book, "Linux Device Drivers, third edition" and pre-built copies of all of the in-kernel docbook documentation for easy browsing. It even has a copy of the Linux source code that you can directly build external kernel modules against.

Harry H. Porter III , Built Computer out of Relays


Running Windows Under Linux Ubuntu 7.04/7.10

This method also works perfectly under Ubuntu 8.04

SeamlessVirtualizationWithThemingResized.pngQEmu can run an OS inside another OS - for example, Windows under Linux. QEmu uses kqemu, an acceleration driver included in Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn to run Windows at usable speed.
Note: KQEMU will not work under Ubuntu 10.04. See KQEMU page for more info
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn also includes a new version of rdesktop that can be used to start individual desktop apps from the VM on your normal desktop. See SeamlessVirtualization. This also works in Ubuntu 7.10 Gusty Gibbon.
Note: Most computers purchased since 2006 support VT or Pacifica, technologies that provide hardware support for virtualization. To see if your system includes these technologies, run the following:
grep -E '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

Porting Linux Read More

  • Been playing with Linux for 14 years (and the kernel for 13 of those), since the age of 13.
  • Built embedded NMR scientific instruments, worked with Montavista UK, now at Red Hat.
    Author of the LKML Summary Podcast and the kernel column in Linux User & Developer.
    Co-author of Building Embedded Linux Systems (second edition) – O'Reilly (2008)
    My car still has an empeg :)

Android ICS 4.04, CM9 Galaxy TAB 10.1v

Unofficial CM9 build on Android 4.04 for the Samsung galaxy tab 10.1v
  • Kernel: Latest fixes from pershoot.
  • Latest CM9 upstream changes as off 2012/05/01.
Current users can flash over current version, do a backup to be safe.
Special thanks to pershoot.
If a new user install as follows:
  1. Copy downloaded zip files to Tablet from your download location.
  2. Reboot into recovery (ClockWorkMod).
  3. Backup current ROM (optional, highly recommended)

Samsung Galaxy TAB 10.1 (p4/GT-P7500) JB CM10 ROM

Test UNOFFICIAL Galaxy TAB 10.1 (p4/GT-P7500) JB CM10 ROM

Unofficial Build of cm10 with new 3.1 kernel.
Recovery: flash via ODIN.
ROM: flash via recovery.
Been running this for a day now,with no issues.
Most is working, except for Wifi hotspot in Secure Mode and maybe other stuff still to be tested.
99% of the work goes to pershoot. I just compiled it from his Git and modded it to work in JB with the new kernel also from his GIT.